Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2006

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Rule-based Generation of Motion Control Software for General Serial-Link Robot manipulators
M. Wenz, H. Worn

Last modified: 2020-12-26


Monolithically structured robot controls can only be adapted and enchanced with high efforts. Therefore we develop a configuration system and a graphical user interface in order to configure the robot control on te fly. Within the envisaged scenario the operator is able to configure the motion control according to the mechanical structure of a robot by just pushing of a "a button". For the flexible configuration of robot control systems knowledge-based approaches are prsued. The motion control of a simulated robot is produced by the simple combination of components. In particular we automtically configure the forward and backward kinematics on the basis of adeclarative description of a robot, which among other things indicates the number of joints. The main goal of our project is the development of a generalized software architecture that applies to all classes of robots.


Rule-based Generation; Motion Control Software; General Serial-Link Robot manipulators


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