Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2006

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The Aim and the Technique of Designing Framework for Development Software for Distributed Mobile Robotic Systems
I. V. Bogin, A. A. Dyumin, E. V. Chepin

Last modified: 2020-12-26


This article describes the development of the framework for designing of software support intended to distributed mobile robotic systems. In the general case modern robotic systems can be described as a heterogeneous set of mobile robottechnical platforms with one or several control centers, the information gathering and information processing centers. An important point is to assign the tasks and data stream management effectively among different parts of the system. It is necessary to select optimal algorithms for different subsystems so as the system performs the tasks assigned by the robotic system. The tasks are set taking into account the limitations imposed by the capacity of the calculating resources of different elements of the system and bus throughputs and reliability. This framework is aimed at making accomplishing of the tasks easier. Actually it is a framework for modeling of distributed robotic systems, which makes it possible to determine functions of robotic systems that are necessary to accomplish this or that task. It also allows determining directions and contents of information flows in the system and choosing algorithms for a successful operation of the system taking into account different criteria (functional specifications. memory usage, processing speed, data level, etc.)


Mobile Robotic Systems; Development Software; Technique of Designing Framework


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