Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2006

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Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Solution of Scientific and Applied Problems
D. A. Troeshestova, A. S. Chernov, V. S. Abrukov, R. A. Pavlov

Last modified: 2020-12-26


Examples of ANN using for solution of scientific and applied problems in field of combusion in particular for combustion diagnostic and experimental investigation as well as for industry control are presented in the paper.
1. Possibilities for a creation of new kinds of models for combustion wave (CW) propagation by means of ANN are presented. A goal of such kinds of models is solving of hard tasks of experimental investigation of propellants burning.
2. New ways for solving direct and inverse problems of optics by means of ANN are presented. These problems have to be solved for many optical and non-optical methods of combustion diagnostics for example for Interferometric and shadow techniques, absorption spectroscopy, X-ray, etc.
3. Possibilities for a creation of ANN model for automatic control system of boiler unit during transient processes are presented. A database for training of ANN was obtained by means of system of finite-difference equations based on full dynamic non-linear mathematical model of boiler unit.


neural networks; redundant systems; intelligent methods; computer systems


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