Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2006

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Solving of the Hele-Show’s Problem in Presence of the Gap between Impermeable Surfaces
G. I. Fedorova, E. M. Oshmarina, O. R. Zinnatullina, A. G. Moustafin

Last modified: 2020-12-26


The problem of definition of the function potential, which satisfy to the Laplace's equation in some areaon which borders the potential has piecewise-constant values is under consideration. One ofboundaries of area is moving. Velocity ofmovement of boundary is proportional to a gradientof potential. This problem has physicalinterpretation as at moving of a fluid in porousmedium, and at electrochemical shaping.


Hele-Show’s Problem; Impermeable Surfaces; Laplace's equation


1. Ingham D.B., Wen X. “Separating inviscid flows”Journal of Act. Mech., 1991; 86: 1-14.

2. Pologij G.N. “An Extension of the Theory of AnalyticFunctions of Complex variables”. Kiev StateUniversity, Kiev, Ukraine, 1965.

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