Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2006

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Ontological Design of Informational Systems for Legal Applications
L. Y. lsmailova, S. V. Kosikov

Last modified: 2020-12-26


Further deve lopment of in formatio n pro cess ing means including features for search, analysis and classificat ion in areas of great doctrinal varie ty requires, as one may see, choice of specific conceptua l modeling tools adequate for considered tasks. Such areas include law act ivity, political science, sociology and so on. In spite of multiple steps in this direction, it seems that until now there are no finished solutions adequate for considered tasks. Jnvestigat io ns [2, 4, 6] allow determining main cha racteristics of problem domain class that lead to major difficulties during modeling.


Ontological Design; Informational Systems; Legal Applications


1. Brachman R., Levesque H. "K now ledge Representation and Reasoning". The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intellige nce, 2004.

2. Wolfengagen V.E. "Methods calc ulat io ns with objects". Moscow, Russia, 2004.

3. lsmailova L.Y., Kosikov S.V. "How To Manage Semantically Sens itive Models?" In: Proc. of the Workshop on Computer Science and Jnformatio11 Technologies (CSIT'2005), Vol. I. USATU, Ufa, Russia, 2005, pp. 28-32.

4. Deit K.G., Darven H. "Basics of future data bases systems'·, 3- rd manifest. Yanus-K, Moscow, Russia, 2004.

5. lsmailova L.Y., Kosikov S.V. ··Ontologies, subjects and roles'·. In: Proc. of VIII All-Russian united conference "Technologies of i11fonna1ion society - lnterne1 and modern society". Philological department of SPbSU, Saint-Pet ers burg, Russia. 2005, pp. 38-40.

6. lsmailova L.Y., Kosikov S.V. " Principles of semantics correlation in infonnation systems for law applications" . In: Proc. of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Part I '•Virtual objects and applicative computing". "JurlnfoR-MSU'", Moscow, Russ ia, 2006.

7. Kosikov S.Y. "Information systems. Category approach". " Jur lnfoR-MSU" , Moscow, Russia , 2005.

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