Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2007

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Strategic Trends in Virtual Technologies
Oliver Moravcik, Pavol Bozek, Peter Sakal, Pavol Bezak, Miriam Iringova

Last modified: 2021-01-05


In praxis of technology workplaces with robots the computing technology is used. I tis importand the used technology to be independent to platform on which it will be presented and to use the newest standards in computer technologies [1] . The aim of our project is to design suitable technology to implement computer model of virtual technological workplace.The result will be to teach and test manipulation control operations. Virtual workplace model simulates simple logics derived from real robotized workplace. The aim is to create fully functional virtual automated laboratory with industrial robot controlled as in praxis by personal computer. Virtual industrial robot is for its simplicity of operation and simplicity of user access to functons especially suitable for teaching control and programming robots on various knowledge grades, Also it is possible to use it to train and examine industrial robot operators and programmers.The modeling theory is the part of larger project of virtual robotized technology workplace in laboratory conditions. Additional automated workplaces dedicated to be the periphery to industrial robot will be possible to add to virtual automatized complex simulation.


virtual technologies; robots; Virtual Technologies


1. Woern H., Gonchar L.E., Yusupova NL, Shakhmametova G.R. “Collision Avoidance Path Planning for Multi-Links Manipulators in Uncertain Environment”. In Proc: Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2000, pp. 1025-1030.

2. Yusupova N. I, Gonchar L. E., Shakhmametova G. R. “Intelligent Path Planning for Redundant Manipulator in Manufacturing” In Proe: Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems: Management, Control and Supervision 2000. pp. 4-5.

3. Galicki M., Ucinski D. “Time-optimal motions of robotic manipulators” Robotica 2000; 18, 6:659-667.

4. Bian G., Ye C., Wang T., Li L. “An trajectory planning method of manipulator” Modul. Mach. Tool and Autom. Manuf. Techn. 2002: 9; 24-26

5. Yusupova N.I, Woern H, Shakhmametova G. R, Kamilyanov A.R, “Multilink Manipulator Path Search Based on the Genetic Approach in 3-D Environment”. In Proc: Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies. 2004.

6. Yusupova N.I, Woern H, Shakhmametova G. R, Kamilyanov A.R, “Modified genetic algorithm for path search of multilink manipulator motion in a complex three-dimensional environment”. In Proce: Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies. 2005,

7. Yusupova N.I, Shakhmametova G.R, Kamilyanov A.R, “Path search of the multilink manipulator motions in a complex 3d environment” Vestnik UGATU 2007; T.9 No 2: 71-76.

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