Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2009

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Base algorithmic case of on-board operative advice expert systems for anthropocentric objects
B. E. Fedunov

Last modified: 2021-01-29


The base algorithmic case of on-board operative advice expert systems (BOSES TS) a standard situation of the operation for anthropocentric objects (Anthr/objects) is oriented on formal model of the application domain, which includes the notions: general problems of the operation Anthr/object, semantic networks standard situation (TS) of the operation and problem-subsituation (PrS/S) in them. BOSES TS has two hierarchical levels in knowledge base. On the first level the identical PrS/S are operatively actuate by the rules. On the second level the actuated PrS/S is solved by means of mechanism of the conclusion with using the dynamic models of the development its fragment. The mechanisms of the conclusion: a many criterion choice of the alternative of the decision, a decision on precedent, a decision by means of optimization process, rules. In the development of the BOSES TS the base algorithmic case is filled the knowledge of this TS with simultaneous cutting off the unclaimed fragments of the case. In the program realization by the pervaded knowledge of the algorithmic case is adapted to the on-board information surroundings of the choosed Anthr/object type and to the computing possibility of its on-board computing system.


algorithmic case; advice expert systems; anthropocentric objects


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