Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2009

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LP-based Volume Bounds in Orthogonal Packing
G. Belov, H. Rohling, G. Scheithauer

Last modified: 2021-01-29


The d-Dimensional Orthogonal Packing Problem(OPP-d , d ⩾ 2) asks whether all given boxes canbe orthogonally packed into a given containerwithout rotations. The simplest bound for OPP isthe volume bound: if the total volume of the itemsexceeds that of the container then the instance isinfeasible. Conservative scales (CS) are modifieditem sizes such that if OPP is feasible, it is alsofeasible with the modified sizes. Thus, the volumebound for the modified instance is valid for theoriginal instance. Up to now, CS have beenconstructed either (i) completely independently ineach dimension using dual-feasible functions or (ii)by an exact method in the 2D case. Between (i) and(ii), there are possible heuristic algorithms whichconstruct d conservative scales (in d dimensions)simultaneously. Our first efforts in this directionhave shown that a simple LP iteration producesresults nearly identical with the exact method insmaller time. 3D results are presented as well.


Volume Bounds; Orthogonal Packing; LP-based Volume


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