Presentations and Authors

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Plenary Session 1

Knowledge based decision support system for flood risk assessment PDF
V. Reppa, C. Stylios, P. Groumpos

Volume 1. Metalogic and Applicative Computation

On computations in some combinatory calculi PDF
L. V. Shabunin

Volume 1. Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Developing web information systems on the basis of domain ontology PDF
P. A. Shapkin
Intellectual support of control decision making in organization PDF
D. A. Novikov, L. R. Chernyahovskaya, B. G. Ilyasov, E. B. Starseva
Comparative analysis of expert systems applications in different areas PDF
N. I. Yusupova, G. R. Shakhmametova, O. M. Verchoturova

Volume 1. Conceptual Modelling and Decision Support Systems

Integration of uncertain information into decision trees and scoping rules for customer valuation PDF
A. Hilbert, D. R. Bogdanova, N. V. Sholokhova, T. A. Zaiko
Hardware and software for the heterogeneous mobile robotic system PDF
I. V. Bogin, V. V. Danilov, A. A. Dyumin, E. V. Chepin, A. V. Dronskiy, P. S. Sorokoumov
Personalization technology of Open Office XML format documentation on the basis of XSL-Transformation PDF
Valery Viktorovich Mironov, G. R. Shakirova

Volume 1. IT in Social and Economic Modelling

Model of formation of a database about the extreme phenomena on the basis of the hydrometeorological and historical-archival information PDF
Y. M. Ivan'o, N. V. Starkova
Combined technique for evaluating the level of social infrastructure development of enterprises on the basis oflogit-model and Bisector de-fuzzyfication method PDF
I. A. Lackman, N. M. Shamuratov

Volume 1. IT in Culture, Art and Pedagogical Innovations

Copyright and IPR management for cultural heritage digital content in peer to peer networks PDF
G. Stylios, D. Tsolis, E. Georgatos, S. Chatzikostas, M. Orologa, I. Badouvas, S. Sioustas
Organizations of students' performance monitoring on the basis of statistical feedback in the Web portal space of the university department PDF
M. A. Shilina, V. G. Kulikova

Volume 1. Geoinformation Systems

Development of the GIS "Rosvodresursy" PDF
I. G. Ivanov, S. V. Pavlov, R. A. Shkundina, S. V. Plekhanov

Volume 1. Discrete Optimization

LP-based Volume Bounds in Orthogonal Packing PDF
G. Belov, H. Rohling, G. Scheithauer
Filtration of numerical results for nonlinear equations solving PDF
N. M. Sherykhalina, N. I. Zhitnikova, R. R. Shaymardanov

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