Presentations and Authors

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Volume 1. Metalogic and Applicative Computation

Complex approach to the errors estimation in the problem of numerical data analysis of in-situ experiment PDF
V. P. Zhitnikov, N. A. Zaiko

Volume 1. Industrial Information Systems

Automated video tracking and linear editing system for recording and distributing of presentations PDF
S. V. Zykov, C. N. Bredyuk
3D interactive visualization of subsystems in a "Smart House" PDF
D. V. Baygozin, G. B. Zakharova, A. V. Mamaev
Indirect evaluations of gas turbine parameters based on neural networks PDF
S. V. Zhernakov, P. V. Belyavtsev

Volume 1. Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Intelligent on-line training complex for control of engineer equipment in a "Smart House" system PDF
D. N. Pervukhin, G. B. Zakharova

Volume 1. Conceptual Modelling and Decision Support Systems

Integration of uncertain information into decision trees and scoping rules for customer valuation PDF
A. Hilbert, D. R. Bogdanova, N. V. Sholokhova, T. A. Zaiko

Volume 1. IT in Social and Economic Modelling

Investment portfolio optimization and some classes of risk measures PDF
E. M. Bronshtein, I. Z. Zubairova, P. V. Il'in, M. M. Kachkaeva, G. M. Fridman
Information System of Health Resort Management as the Complex Object of Management PDF
B. G. Ilyasov, Sh. Zagidullin, P. Popkov, F. Mazitov

Volume 1. Discrete Optimization

Use of genetic algorithms in optimization of steel wire drawing processes PDF
V. A. Kharitonov, M. V. Zaretsky
Filtration of numerical results for nonlinear equations solving PDF
N. M. Sherykhalina, N. I. Zhitnikova, R. R. Shaymardanov

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