Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2010

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Multiagent Approach Application for Scheduling of Production Processes
D. A. Rizvanov, E. S. Chernyshev, I. A. Lackman

Last modified: 2021-03-29


An automated scheduling of production process is used very often to improve the effectiveness of the company, but some questions of intradepartmental planning remain unsolved. This article discusses issues related to scheduling of the production process. The analysis of information systems for solving of such class of problems is carried out. It is suggested to develop software to increase the effectiveness of the company which allows to take into account the specific features of the production process — the productivity of workers, equipment and quality of execution. A mathematical model for scheduling is constructed. A multiagent approach is suggested to implementing the software.


Multiagent Approach Application; Scheduling of Production Processes; Mathematical Model; Analysis of Information Systems


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