Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2010

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Development of the Web Application of Geographic Information System Rosvodresursy
I. I. Kasimov, R. A. Shkundina, S. V. Plekhanov, T. M. Usov

Last modified: 2021-03-29


In the article analysis of different types of physical architectures of the enterprise geographic information systems is provided. Advantages and flows of those architectures are exposed on the development of corporative geoinformation system of the Rosvodresursy. The transition from desktop to internet application based on the service-oriented platform ofthe ArcGIS is described.


Web Application; Development; Geographic Information System; Rosvodresursy; service-oriented platform; ArcGIS


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3. Ivanov I. G., Pavlov S. V., Plekhanov S. V. , Nikitin A. B., Usov T. M. "Distributed processing of the spatial data on water resources in the geoinformation system of the Rosvodresursy". In: Proceedings of the conference "Water-resource systems management in extreme condition", Moscow, 2008, p. 323.

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