Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2010

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Model "Electronic University": Educational Paradigm of the Future
A. V. Voxmintsev, A. V. Melnikov

Last modified: 2021-03-29


In given article it is told about model of electronic university ChelGu and about about changes of a paradigm of formation of the future, the information technology connected with introduction in formation.


Electronic University; Model; Educational Paradigm of the Future; information technology


1. Kislitsyn K. N. "Bolonsky process as the project for Europe and for Russia", the Electronic journal «Knowledge. Understanding. Ability», №11 — Higher education for the XXI-st century, 2010.

2. Voxmintsev A. V., Melnikov A. V. "Fact-based search technology in data warehouse with heterogeneous structure", 9 International Workshop on Computer science and information technologies CSIT'2007: Ufa: UGATY, 2007. pp. 31-33.

3. Voxmintsev A. V., Melnikov A. V. "Problems of construction of conceptual models of the virtual world", 11 International Workshop on Computer science and information technologies CSIT'2009: Crete, Greece, 2009; pp. 128—130.

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