Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2010

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Multi-Parametric Control of Complex Object in the Program System For Physician's Decision Support
L. E. Karpov, V. N. Yudin, A. V. Vatazin

Last modified: 2021-03-29


The task of multi-parametric control with mutual interference of actions is described. These control actions are of special interest when issued for the object with behavior that is hard or even impossible to formalize. An approach to the "treatment" formalization is developed. This approach considers "medical curing" as a control action that is described using the principles of theory of control, theory of problem solving, data mining and case-based reasoning. The concept of object control in the circumstances of multiple external actions with complex and non formalizable influence on theed. human being organism is practically implemented. It is used in the "Doctor's Partner" program system. The system was designed to help the physician who is trying to diagnose and choose the appropriate treatment.


Multi-Parametric Control; Complex Object; Program System Physician's; Decision Support


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3. Karpov L. E., Yudin V. N. "Case-based adaptivecontrol founded on object state classification", InProceedings ofthe Institute For System Programmingof Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2007,v.13, part. 2, pp. 37-57 (in Russian).

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