Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2010

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Possibility of Application of Situational Awareness in Energy Research
R. A. Ivanov, L. V. Massel

Last modified: 2021-03-29


In this article is briefly considered a new approach to work with geospatial information that is named Situational Awareness (Neogeography). Also is described a possibility of application new approach in energy research. For some fields is formed several tasks.


energy; HPP; alternative energy source


1. Andrew Turner. Introduction to Neogeography, O’Reilly Media, ISBN 10: 0-596-2995-3| ISBN 13: 9780596529956, 2006.

2. Eremchenko E.N. Neogeography: features and facilities. Materials of a conference «Neogeography XXI-2009» IX International forum «High tech XXI century, Moscow, 22-25 of april in 2008 year.

3. Koshkarev A.V., Karakin V.G. Regional GIS. M.: Nedra, 1987. 126p.

4. Manual of KML (

5. Material of “Virtual Protvino” portal (

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