Last modified: 2021-04-15
In the summer of 2011 a new robot laboratory started to work in the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The laboratory/workshop was put together by the CIMlab (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Research Laboratory) of the institute — hoping to make automation research more attractive and demonstrative, giving interesting, research tasks to some young researchers. Due to the rapid development of the graphical modelling tools, accurate modelling of complex systems became feasible. As a consequence of the advanced three dimensional (3D) technology considering both input and output devices, there is higher and higher need for creating 3D models. Powerful personal computers, graphic cards, and rendering systems make not only the spatial representation of 3D models possible, but the operation of dynamic 3D (i.e. 4D) models is available, too. Using the information highway for accessing these three dimensional services, we can create state of the art applications available on the Internet. The recent paper gives a short account on some efforts to implement and apply real and virtual 3D environment for different robot-related tasks by means of experiments in the new laboratory.
1. P. Galambos, B. Resko, and P. Baranyi. "Introduction of Virtual Collaboration Arena (VirCA)", The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Busan, Korea, 2010, pp. 575576.
2. G. KovacS, I. Paniti "A New Robot Laboratory in SZTAKI", in: ERCIM News, in print, 2012.
3. RoboLogix. Online, available:
4. N. Ando, T. Suehiro, K Kitagaki, T Kotoku, W-K Yoon "RT-Middleware: Distributed Component
Middleware for RT (Robot Technology)" in IEEEIRSJ International Conference on Intelligent
5. Willow Garage, Robot Operating System. Online, available:
6. Kathryn Jackson, Julian Allwood "The mechanics of incremental sheet forming", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier, 2009, pp.1158— 1174,
7. Rauch, M., Hascoet, J. Y., Hamann, J. C., Plenel, Y. "Tool path programming optimization for incremental sheet forming applications". Computer-Aided Design Vol. 41, No. 12, 2009. pp.877-885.
8. Duflou, J.R., Lauwers, B., Verbert, J., Gelaude, F., Tunckol, Y. "Medical Application of Single Point Incremental Forming: Cranial Plate Manufacturing". In Proc.of the 2nd Internat. Conf. on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping VRAP, Leiria, 2005. pp.161-166.
9. Hirt, G., Ames, J., Bambach, M., Kopp, R. "Modeling and experimental evaluation of the incremental CNC sheet metal forming process". CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 53, No, 1, 2004, pp.203-206
10. EMC - Enhanced Machine Controller, Online, available:, 2011
11. The Internet Communications Engine (Ice), Online, available:, 2011
12. What's New in Google SketchUp 8, Online, available: ml, 2011
13. Gregory Junker "Pro Ogre 3D Programming", Expert's Voice in Open Source, Apress Publisher, ISBN:9781590597101, 2006
14. P. Galambos and P. Baranyi, "VirCA as Virtual Intelligent Space for RT-Middleware," in 2011 IEEEIASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (ATM), 2011, pp. 140-145.
15. Kinect. Online, available: littp://, 2012
16. Wii. Online, available:, 2012
17. Tisza, M., Paniti, I., Kovacs, P. Z. „Experimental and numerical study of a milling machine-based dieless incremental sheet forming" International Journal of Material Forming, Volume 3, Supplement 1, 2010, pp. 441-446.