Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2012

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Situation-oriented databases: using heterogeneous data sources
V. V. Mironov, G. R. Shakirova, V. A. Dolzhenko

Last modified: 2021-04-15


The paper is concerned with discussing one of the aspects of situation-oriented databases. The subject is about using heterogeneous data sources to fil1 the database. The main question discussed: main terms of situation-oriented database, main features of heterogeneous data sources and their interaction with the database.


Situation-oriented databases; Document Object Model; DOM;


1. Mironov V. V., Gusarenko A. S. “Situation-oriented databases: the concept of XML-data control based on dynamic DOM-objects”. In: Vestnik USATU. 2012. Vol. 16, № 3 (48). P. 159-172.

2. Mironov V. V., Malikova K. E. “Internet applications on the basis of dynamic models: architecture, data structure, interpretation”. In: Vestnik USATU. 2010. Vol. 14, № 2. P. 154-163.

3. Mironov V. V., Malikova K. E. “Internet applications on the basis of dynamic models: the user interface controls”. In: Vestnik USATU. 2010. Vol. 14, № 2. P. 170-175.

4. Hierarchical data model: the concept and implementation based on XML: monograph / V. V. Mironov, N. I. Yusupova, G. R. Shakirova. M: Mashinostroenie, 2011. 411 p.

5. Mironov V. V., Yusupova N. I., Shakirova G. R. “Situation-oriented databases: concept, architecture, XML-implementation”. In: Vestnik USATU. 2010. Vol. 14, № 2 (37). P. 233-244.

6. Mironov V. V., Yusupova N. I., Shakirova G. R. Situation-oriented databases: external view based on XSL. In: Vestnik USATU. 2010. Vol. 14, № 1 (39). P. 200-209.

7. Mironov V. V., Gusarenko A. S. “Situation-oriented databases: the concept of XML-data control based on dynamic DOM-objects”. In: Vestnik USATU. 2012. Vol. 1 6, N.• 3 (48). P. 159-172.

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