Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2012

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Realization calculation model of matrixes of correspondence for transport network
T. I. Mikheeva, O. V. Saprykina, D. N. Saprykin

Last modified: 2021-04-16


In article describes calculation model of matrixesof correspondence for transport network. Typesof population movements and flow of movementof log are considered.


Realization calculation model; matrixes of correspondence; transport network


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of objects of an street-road network of a city with. usage of a geoinformation technology”. /nformation

2. Mikheeva, T.I, Saprykin O.N., Saprykina O. V. “Building architecture analytical tools of intellectualtransport system based on the pattern” // Bulletin ofSamara State. Technical. University. A series of "Engineering." Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2010, Ne 4 (27). S. 27-35. 3. Mikheeva. T.I. “Construction of mathematical models of objects of an street-road network of a city with. usage of a geoinformation technology”.

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