Last modified: 2021-04-16
1. Guzairov M.B., Martynov V.V., Rykov V.I. Theconcept of comprehensive training in the field ofCALS-technologies and testing based on USATU /Vestnik USATU: compilation researcher work.-Ufa,UGATU, 2006, Ne 2 (15), P. 85-91.
2. Kostyukova T.P., Kryoni N.K., V.V. Martynov andother. Managing the quality of education. — Ufa,UGATHU, 2008. — 304p.
3. Vedenyapin I.E. Designing the information system ofquality management for educational institutions. - Ufa,RIC BIFK, 2010. — 130p.
4. Guzairov M.B., Kostyukova T.P., Martynov V.V. andother. The technology to create adaptive distributed e-resources.—Ufa: USATU,2010.-357p.
5. Martynov V.V., Rykov V.L, Filosova E.I. and other.Methods of object approach in the management of theeducational process. - Ufa: USATU, 2010.-167p.