Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2012

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Modeling the process of selection of experts in personnel management system
B. V. Tarkhov, N. S. Minasova, Y. R. Shagieva

Last modified: 2021-04-16


This article describes the experts selection processmodels in personnel management system. Thefollowing points have been developed and viewedin this work: a block diagram of the expertsselection process, the functional model constructedon the basis of use of the methodology of structuralanalysis and SADT modelling; data flow diagram inthe process of experts selection, a generalizedgraphical model of the questionnaire and testintegration. The presented models of the expertsselection process in personnel management systemare the methodological basis for designing theinformational system of decision support in takingon the staff.


Modeling; process of selection of experts; personnel management system


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