Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2012

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Information support of management decisions in forming study program to meet labor market requirements
O. N. Smetanina, L. N. Akhiyarova, R. J. Yusupov, Yu. G. Smetanin

Last modified: 2021-04-16


The article provides a documentary base that allowsus to obtain some knowledge about the labor marketrequirements so as to take it into account whenmanaging the process of building and educationalprogram for training computer science specialists ina higher education institution. To provide a decisionmaker with the information support the article givesdescription of the developed models: functionalones, knowledge representation models which helpto develop the DSS.


Information support; management decisions; forming study program; labor market requirements


1. Guide to the Software Engineering Body ofKnowledge (SWEBOK), IEEE 2004 Version.

2. Software Engineering 2004 (SE 2004). CurriculumGuidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs inSoftware Engineering. Software Engineering Volume Volume. pdf

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