Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2012

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The Semantic and Multi-Dimensional Modeling in the Requirements Management to the Mathematical and Software
A. M. Suleymanova

Last modified: 2024-01-10


Benefit from re-use requirements in the ITproduction puts the task of finding the requirements,taking into account the requirements semantics. Thetask is proposed to solve at the expense ofcategorization semantic annotationsof therequirements. It is offered the methodcategorization semantic annotations, taking intoaccount the structural features of the wording of therequirements. Also is taked into accaunt the datamany aspects. As the application is considered bythe IT-project for the development andimplementation of University automated documentmanagement system and its divisions.


The Semantic; Multi-Dimensional; Modeling; Requirements Management; Mathematical; Software


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