Presentations and Authors

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Volume 1. Plenary Session

Hardware and Software of Mobile Robots Group PDF
E. V. Chepin, A. A. Dyumin, N. K. Shapovalov, P. S. Sorokoumov

Volume 1. Session 4 Data Warehousing, Cloud Computing

Situation-oriented databases: using heterogeneous data sources PDF
V. V. Mironov, G. R. Shakirova, V. A. Dolzhenko

Volume 1. Session 5 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation

Rotor motion in a chamber filled with viscous gas PDF
O. N. Dementyev

Volume 1. Session 9 IT in Social and Economic Model

Exchange Crisis Forecasting based on fractal analysis PDF
E. A. Gafarova, D. V. Dobikova
Intelligent Decision Support in Investment Management in Multi-Sectoral Macroeconomic Systems PDF
B. G. Ilyasov, E. A. Makarova, U. V. Degtjareva, T. A. Kartasheva

Volume 2. Session 2 Conceptual Modelling and Decision Support Systems

IT for Anti-Crisis Management at the Life Cycle Stages of Stabilization and Recession PDF
G. R. Shakhmametova, D. V. Kuramshin, E. Kh. Dusalina

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