Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Volume 1. Plenary Session

Hardware and Software of Mobile Robots Group PDF
E. V. Chepin, A. A. Dyumin, N. K. Shapovalov, P. S. Sorokoumov

Volume 1. Session 1 Industrial Information Systems

Model of management of an autoclave for a slag stone's manufacture with adaptation of duration and rate of rise of temperature and pressure to the chemical composition of raw materials PDF
A. I. Kayashev, T. V. Sazonova, M. I. Sharipov

Volume 1. Session 4 Data Warehousing, Cloud Computing

Situation-oriented databases: using heterogeneous data sources PDF
V. V. Mironov, G. R. Shakirova, V. A. Dolzhenko
Concept for educational processes common information space development and structuring on the basis of CALS PDF
G. G. Kulikov, G. V. Startsev, M. A. Shilina, D. V. Antonov

Volume 1. Session 7 Intelligent Control and IT in Mobile Robotics

Ideology and Management Software Architecture for Mobile Robots PDF
E. V. Chepin, N. K. Shapovalov, P. S. Sorokoumov

Volume 1. Session 8 Control and IT in Technical Systems

Model Based Design of Control Software PDF
V. Alimguzhin, F. Mari, I. Melati, I. Salvo, E. Tronci
Realization calculation model of matrixes of correspondence for transport network PDF
T. I. Mikheeva, O. V. Saprykina, D. N. Saprykin

Volume 1. Session 9 IT in Social and Economic Model

Modeling the process of selection of experts in personnel management system PDF
B. V. Tarkhov, N. S. Minasova, Y. R. Shagieva

Volume 1. Session 9 IT in Educational Systems

The automated system of scientific researches of high and critical technologies in engine-building manufacture PDF
S. G. Selivanov, S. N. Poezjalova
Information support of management decisions in forming study program to meet labor market requirements PDF
O. N. Smetanina, L. N. Akhiyarova, R. J. Yusupov, Yu. G. Smetanin

Volume 2. Session 2 Conceptual Modelling and Decision Support Systems

IT for Anti-Crisis Management at the Life Cycle Stages of Stabilization and Recession PDF
G. R. Shakhmametova, D. V. Kuramshin, E. Kh. Dusalina

Volume 2. Session 3 Text, Data Processing

The Semantic and Multi-Dimensional Modeling in the Requirements Management to the Mathematical and Software PDF
A. M. Suleymanova
Web 3.0 for Education: using Semantic Web technologies PDF
G. R. Shakirova, E. E. Popkova

Volume 2. Session 4 Artificcial Intelligence

Knowledge-based support of decision-making in loan underwriting management based on CV PDF
O. N. Smetaninna, Yu. T. Farkhutdinova
Customer classification using fuzzy decision trees PDF
Yu. Akhmatova, D. Bogdanova, N. Sholokhova

Volume 2. Session 5 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation

The searching for the lower bounds for the three-dimensional bin packing problem PDF
G. Scheithauer, A. F. Valeeva, I. M. Latypov, I. S. Koshcheev

Volume 2. Session 6 Information Security Systems and Web Information Systems

Organizational and technical high education institution security management PDF
T. A. Ivanova, J. G. Strokina

Volume 2. Session 8 IT in Social and Economic Model

The approach to construction information enterprise architecture PDF
A. I. Salimova, V. V. Martynov

Volume 2. Session 9 Mathematical Methods in Economics

Optimal Portfolio Choice Based on Copula PDF
E. I. Prokudina, D. R. Suiargulova
System of Executives Assignment for Franchising Company Based on Genetic Algorithms PDF
L. I. Shehtman, R. R. Nasyrova, A I Sagitova

Volume 2. Session 10 IT in Educational Systems

System for Personal, Product and Service Certification in Informatization Sphere of Education System PDF
A. Tikhonov, A. Skuratov
Modeling issues in the management of educational routes PDF
O. N. Smetanina, M. M. Gayanova, M. V. Sukhanova
The system of information support of graduate student's training in the university PDF
O. V. Shiryaev
The monitoring subsystem of assessing students on a point-rating technology PDF
A. I. Shvecov
Using ontologies for the training process organization PDF
V. Rykov, J. Sharonova, E. Filosova, O. Rykova

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