Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2016

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Practical implementation of intelligent network expert system [AiNES] for electrochemical machining machines
A. S. Davletbaev, G. G. Kulikov, Y. V. Startcev

Last modified: 2020-12-20


At present, the organizations of production are increas-ingly used means of intelligent automation of production, with the aim to reduce the proportion of manual labor and increase the working efficiency of intellectual work technology as well as to ensure the effectiveness and improvethe safety of use of the equipment. A lot of research and testing on the implementation of support systems production decisions, both abroad and in Russia. Questions EHM automation using intelligent systems are considered in many publications, but it focuses on only a specific hardware. However, it seems appropriate to build a universal intellectual system that would allow the machine to automate the line modules.


Practical implementation; intelligent network expert system; electrochemical machining machines


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