Computer Science and Information Technologies, Computer Science and Information Technologies 2016

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Modelling of viscous fluid flow in the vertical main fracture with permeable walls
G. T. Bulgakova, A. M. Ilyasov

Last modified: 2020-12-20


Resulting from the long-term field development and high drawdowns, the extended induced fracture formation can take place in reservoir zones. To identify such high-permeability “super reservoirs”, the tracer injection studies are conducted, consisting in adding low concentrations of a special marker (tracer) into injected water. To estimate the super reservoir volume from the tracer arrival time, a one-dimensional non-stationary mathematical model was developed assuming the Newtonian fluid flowin the main fracture extended over the entire height of the productive reservoir and accounting for the fluid outflow (inflow) from the reservoir as well as the Meshcherskiy reaction force, accelerating ordecelerating fluid flow in the fracture. Based on the control volume approach, the SIMPLE algorithm was adjusted for the flows within permeable boundaries. The characteristic curves were drawn for describing the behavior of fluid flow rate, pressure and Reynolds number over the fracture length in regard to the porous medium permeability and fracture width.


fluid flow; Modelling; permeable walls; fracture formation


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