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Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding

Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding PDF
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, George Kovacs, Heinz Woern

Volume 1. Session 1 Information and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Artificial intelligence and robotics in digital production and beyond PDF
G. L. Kovacs
The information indicator and the effect measuring key is adapted ERP system for the business intelligent (BI) production management system PDF
A. V. Rechkalov, A. V. Artuhov, G. G. Kulikov, V. L. Khristolyubov
Domain-specific area formal model of content categories based on set-theoretic concepts PDF
G. G. Kulikov, A. A. Barmin, M. A. Shilina, D. G. Shamidanov
Effect of different defect types on static parameters of reliability assessment PDF
V. E. Gvozdev, A. Morozov, K. V. Kirillov, A. S. Subhangulova
The development of access control policy of company’s information system virtualization segment PDF
I. V. Mashkina, L. R. Tuliganova, A. Konovalov

Volume 1. Session 2 Control and IT in Technical Systems

Knowledge management via Intellectual Collective Expert Environment PDF
A. N. Kopaygorodsky
Development algorithm, based at Hamming neural network method for deforestation areas detection PDF
O. I. Khristodulo, A. A. Makhmutov, T. V. Sazonova
Practical implementation of intelligent network expert system [AiNES] for electrochemical machining machines PDF
A. S. Davletbaev, G. G. Kulikov, Y. V. Startcev

Volume 1. Session 3 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation

Irregular polyomino tiling using integer programming PDF
V. M. Kartak, A. I. Fabarisova

Volume 1. Session 4 IT in Social, Economic Modeling and Educational Systems

Optimization problems of current calendar planning PDF
V. L. Khristolyubov, L. N. Rodionova, O. G. Kantor, A. A. Khakimov
Information system for monitoring the results of assimilation of a discipline PDF
A. G. Karamzina, S. V. Silnova, H. M. Nigmatullina

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