Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding
Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding | |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, George Kovacs, Heinz Woern, Murat Bakeevich Guzairov |
Volume 1. Conceptual Modelling and Decision Support Systems
Life-Cycle Eco-Services for Sustainability | |
R. C. Michelini, G. L. Kovacs |
The Structural Model Information System for the Production Planning | |
M. B. Guzairov, G. G. Kulikov, K. A. Rizvanov |
Situational Modeling Platform as a Tool of Contigency Management in Energy Sector | |
A. G. Massel, R. A. Ivanov |
Intelligent Geoinformation System for Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Coastal Development Zone of Azov and Black Seas | |
O. E. Arkhipova |
The Operative Assignment of the Purpose in the Anthropocentral Objects with Positions of the Model "Stage" | |
B. E. Fedunov, C. Yu. Zheltov |
Volume 1. Information Systems
Web Portals for Enterprise Application Management | |
S. V. Zukov |
Development of a Portal for Training in the Solution of Engineering Tasks | |
S. Volkova, D. Kurennov, I. Vorobyova |
Use of Multi-Cascade Principle for Downhole Oil Production Control | |
I. F. Nugaev, V. I. Vasilyev |
Geoinformation System for Geomagnetic Pseudostorm Parameters Analysis and Research | |
A. V. Vorobev, G. R. Shakirova, M. Biberacher, E. E. Popkova, I. Vysocky |
Biometrical Research of Coronary Cardiovascular Disease based on the Biomarker Panels | |
E. V. Gindullina, I. A. Lackman |
Tools for the Digital Divide Effects Neutralization | |
T. F. Sharifyanov, D. A. Gainanov |
Volume 1. Data Processing: Text Processing, Data Warehousing, Cloud Computing
Semantic Processing of the Annotated Image Databases | |
A. Vohkmintsev, A. Melnikov |
Recognition Errors Control in Biometric Identification Cryptosystems | |
V. I. Vasilyev, E. V. Buraya |
Semantics, Synergy and Computing | |
A. P. Bel'tukov, S. G. Maslov |
Remote Processing of Affective Data | |
E. V. Chepin, V. V. Danshin, A. A. Dyumin, G. A. Urvanov |
The Method of the Information Security Risk Assessment in Cloud Computing Systems | |
I. V. Mashkina, A. U. Sentsova |
Algorithm for Solving one Location Problem | |
R. E. Shangin, P. M. Pardalos |
Towards Automatic Speech Recognition for the Tatar Language | |
A. F. Khusainov, Dz. Sh. Suleymanov |
Technologies and Patterns of Information Exchange | |
G. A. Makeev |
Volume 1. Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
Stability of a Layer of a Medium with a Solid Particles | |
O. N. Dementev |
Investigation of the Errors Arising in Computer Realizations of Numerical Methods | |
N. M. Sherykhalina, V. P. Zhitnikov, N. I. Zhitnikova |
Mathematical Model of Natural Gas Underground Storage in Hydrate State | |
E. Bondarev, I. Rozhin, K. Argunova |
Modelling Analysis and Simulation of Matrix Treatments in Carbonate Reservois using In-situSelf-Diverting Acid Systems | |
G. T. Bulgakova, A. R. Sharifullin |
The Atlas Technologies for Archiving Data and Modeling of the Caspian Sea Hydrological Processes | |
N. A. Yaitskaya, S. V. Berdnikov |
Covering with Ordered Enclosing for a Disconnected Graph | |
T. A. Panyukova |
Representation of Process Parameters pump Stations by Term Set with a Rectangular Shape of the Membership Function | |
A. A. Yemekeev, A. M. Sagdatullin, E. A. Muravyova |
Lagrange Mean Value Theorem as a basis of Analysis of Finite Fluctuations in Transport Regulation | |
S. L. Blyumin, A. S. Sysoev |
A Generic Tool for the Implementation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process | |
P. Karvelis, G. Georgoulas, Ch. D. Stylios |
Multi-Agent Simulation System of the Investment Process at the Macro Level in Non-Equilibrium Market Conditions | |
B. G. Ilyasov, E. A. Makarova, I. V. Degtjareva, T. A. Eftonova |
Contingency Management and Semantic Modeling in Energy Sector | |
L. V. Massel, A. G. Massel |
Artificial Intelligence: Possibilities and Limits of Modelling | |
L. B. Sultanova |
Safety Increasing of Oil Companies Engineering Networks Operation with Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems | |
A. M. Vulfin, A. I. Frid |
Semantic Identification of Subject Area Content based on Business Process Model | |
G. G. Kulikov, A. A. Barmin, O. V. Barmina |
Applying of Trading Robots based on Neural Networks for the Implementation of Operations in the Stock Markets | |
D. V. Kuramshin, R. I. Fayzrakhmanov |
Volume 1. IT in Social and Economic Modeling
Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys of Customer Satisfaction using Artificial Intelligence Applications | |
N. I. Yusupova, M. Boyko, A. Hilbert, D. Bogdanova |
The Process of a Small Group Self-Organization under Intellectual and Emotional Relationships | |
B. G. Ilyasov, I. B. Gerasimova, L. N. Mukhamedrakhimova |
The Ontological Approach to the Development of the Training Undergraduate's Information Support System | |
V. V. Martynov, O. V. Shiryaev |
Dynamic Model of Evaluation of Financial Sufficiency of Regional Social and Economic Systems Development Strategies | |
L. Buharbaeva, N. Klimova, M. Frants, M. Shmakova |
Intellectual Analysis of the Database on Population Housing Conditions | |
B. G. Il'yasov, E. A. Makarova, E. Sh. Zakieva, E. R. Gabdullina |
Modeling and Decision Support for Efficiency Management in Production and Economic System | |
L. A. Ismagilova, E. V. Orlova |
Volume 1. Control and IT in Technical Systems
Influence of Thermocouple Inertial Error Compensation on Selecting Quality in Gas Turbine Engines Control Systems | |
A. I. Frid, V. I. Petunin, R. R. Sibagatullin |
On Algorithms for Stabilization (Motion Capture) for the Class of Robots Mini Copters | |
E. V. Chepin, V. V. Danshin, G. A. Urvanov, E. V. Konstantinov |
Multivariable Control System of Gas Turbine Engine with Logical Controllers | |
B. G. Ilyasov, G. A. Saitova, I. I. Sabitov |
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